Imperfecto dining room

On Being Imperfecto, The DC Restaurant Review

Imperfecto fired up an already hot trending restaurant scene in Washington DC. Today, Chef Enrique Limardo has three fabulous DC restaurants to rule over in his crisp, chef’s whites. What makes Imperfecto so darn near perfect? It’s all in the details. DC is a culinary wasteland.  This was my first thought when we moved to DC from Tokyo in 2010. It isn’t because I’d spent nearly four years in the world's foodie capital (with 202 Michelin stars, the most of any city, I dare you...
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Hisa Franko dining room

Hiša Franko is the 21st best restaurant in the world

Hiša Franko is #21 on San Pellegrino’s ‘World’s 50 Best Restaurants’ list. Hiša Franko’s chef is ranked #7 on the ‘Best Chef Awards’ list and has two coveted Michelin stars. Detect a pattern? Hiša Franko is climbing culinary ladders at breakneck speed.  Chef Roš has everything to do with it. Honorable Mention: Culinary Travel Hiša Franko Perhaps you envision the world’s 21st-best restaurant in a cosmopolitan city like New York, with an inaudible hum coming from behind an unmarked door on West 9th Street. Or, in a posh Mayfair...
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