Deplar Farm

Best. Day. Ever. Deplar Farm.

Where to stay in northern Iceland? Deplar Farm is the one /  In Iceland, there are more than 50 different words to describe snow. In Iceland, the population is so small that there's an app to make sure you don’t accidentally date your cousin. In Iceland, they joke, “What do you do if you get lost in an Icelandic forest?" Answer: "Stand up.” In Iceland, more than half the country believes in elves and trolls. I am enamored with Iceland, in awe of Deplar Farm,...
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How To Find The Best Hotel For Your Next Adventure

Welcome to ‘Found’—a series of practical posts about travel. For anyone raising an eyebrow in disbelief—yes, I can be practical. However, rest assured, there will be an element of indulgence here, as well. My first post is about how to find the best hotel for your next adventure. It isn’t rocket science, but I do have my own approach to find, what I consider, the 'best' hotels. Think you have nothing left to learn? Let’s compare notes. And enjoy photos from some of my favorite...
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